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Members of advisory committees and panels are non-EPA scientists, engineers, and economists and other social scientists who are recognized experts in their respective fields.

  • They come from academia, industry, federal, state, and tribal governments, research institutes and non-governmental organizations throughout the United States.
  • EPA chooses them for their demonstrated ability to examine and analyze environmental issues with objectivity and integrity and for their interpersonal, oral and written communication, and consensus-building skills.
Members of the chartered SAB and CASAC are appointed by the EPA Administrator as Special Government Employees (SGEs) to serve for a term (typically up to three years), which may be renewable for an additional term.

Members of ad hoc committees or panels are appointed to serve for the duration of assigned advisory activities.

Additional information is available on expectations for experts serving on the SAB and its committees and panels (Link to SAB Handbook) and the EPA policy regarding communications between members of scientific and technical Federal Advisory Committees and outside parties. (Link to policy)

Nomination Process

As openings on the chartered CASAC and SAB occur (typically annually), the SAB Staff Office publishes a Federal Register Notice announcing opportunities for the public to nominate candidate experts to serve on the chartered CASAC and SAB.

When the SAB Staff Office determines that additional expertise will be needed to address an advisory topic, it publishes a Federal Register Notice announcing the formation of an ad hoc panel that reports to the chartered CASAC or SAB. The announcement provides an opportunity for the public to nominate experts to these ad hoc panels.

When the nomination process for a committee or panel has begun, nominations can be made on the SAB homepage ( or CASAC homepage ( under "Public Input on Membership."

The SAB Staff Office also invites comments on Lists of Candidates. This provides an opportunity for the public to be informed about the candidate experts being considered and for the public to provide information, analysis, or documentation for EPA to consider before finalizing membership on committee or panels. As Lists of Candidates become available, they are placed on the SAB homepage ( or CASAC homepage ( under "Public Input on Membership.

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